About Your Host
To be your valued advisor in helping offer peace of mind and a secure future for families affected by disability.
I have an MBA from Wilfrid Laurier University and hold a Certified Financial Planner professional designation. I have been in the financial services industry since 2006, and joined Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network in 2012. In October 2007, over a year prior to the plan officially being launched, I presented first RDSP seminar.
I am licensed in the province of Ontario to offer life insurance and mutual funds, and I do so through Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network and Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. respectively.
Why this specialty?
My passion is born out of watching my own brother and sister courageously deal with Schizophrenia over the years. Through that family experience, I understand the challenges that exist and help put strategies in place to secure the financial future for the disabled child and their entire family. There’s enough emotional turbulence as it is, financial uncertainty need not and does not have to be part of it.
Community Involvement
Homewood Health Center – 11 years of volunteer service
The Homewood Health Centre is a cornerstone of Canadian mental health and addiction treatment. For over 11 years I have volunteered in a variety of roles of support and sharing my experience for both in-house residents during their stay at the Homewood, as well as acting as a group facilitator for those in the after-care program.
In 2012, I published my first book, First I Got Sober And Then I Got Fired: Finding Freedom in Failure. Rather than focus on business, my focus was on a personal journey in the hope that the story may be a source of inspiration to others in overcoming their own struggles, whatever they may be. After publishing the book, I was interviewed on ‘The Drew Marshall Show’, ‘Provincewide with Daiene Vernile’ and ‘Inside Guelph with Trish Stevenson’ as well as being invited to a number of speaking engagements. It was a gift to be able to share this story with those who may be suffering with an addiction or living with someone in that situation.

Here’s What People Had to Say
I was at my wits end and running out of options in helping my daughter. Out of frustration while talking to Lee of CMHA, I mentioned there was nothing more I could do as I had talked to my lawyer, advisor and my accountant. Lee’s reply: “you haven’t talked to Dan yet”.
To be honest, when Dan talked about Disability Tax Credits and the possibility of my son qualifying and me retroactively collecting a significant refund, I didn’t simply believe him. With those refunds surpassing $20,000 thus far and an RDSP that’s well on its way becoming his pension fund, I not only believe Dan, but can’t thank him enough.
Financially I’ve been fine in retirement, but had no idea what would happen with my kids when I was gone – it made me sick. In sharing his personal story, a light went on and I spoke to my lawyer about my will. Some simple changes will significantly reduce the tax burden to my estate and using a 3rd party trustee for my Henson Trust will diminish the strain on my kids when I’m gone. I sleep much better at night.