Community Room
Informational Seminars
If your organization or support group would like a seminar covering many areas of personal financial planning, I would gladly visit at your convenience. Informational workshops are also ideal for staff of organizations serving into the community of those with special needs, Of course, I also present passionately about the Registered Disability Savings Plan.
Topics Available:
- Disability Tax Credit and Registered Disability Savings Plan
- Protecting your ODSP
- Tax efficiency and protection of assets
- Estate planning and Henson Trusts
- Easing the emotional impact when you’re gone

Local Television
Dan appears regularly on local television, sharing financial planning tips and strategies on a variety of topics ranging from retirement planning to insurance. Whenever possible, he shares with the community at large some thoughts around his specialty area of financial planning. See two of his interviews linked below.
Dan on Disability Tax Credit
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Dan on the Registered Disability Savings Plan
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Credit Counselling Canada
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Not-for-profit credit counselling and assistance